Delegation. We all know an (ex-) colleague who seems (or seemed) to have nailed it - the evidence being a pile of work on our own desks while they sail off out to lunch.
The rest of us, meanwhile are drowning in ever-increasing 'to do' lists. If you listen to everything you read on #linkedin #facebook #twitter #instagram and #tiktok (did I miss anyone) - your list of 'must dos' will only get bigger.
There is good news, however. If you are self employed or running a small business, there are without doubt some tasks you could outsource to a VA or other self employed professional.
Here's 5 for starters:
1. Inbox support
Let someone else wade through the endless emails, delete, unsubscribe, report phishing, send holding emails where required and flag urgent business for you to deal with personally.
2. Note-taking/minuting meetings
We all know now - the majority of meetings can be done on Zoom/ GoogleMeet/ Skype/ Teams. Your VA can attend, minute and distribute the minutes or notes. If they're worth their salt, they will diarise those action points and put reminders in the calendar for you as well.
3. Travel booking
Researching, planning and booking travel, hotels, transport, restaurants, activities and events takes precious time. How awesome is it when someone else sorts it all out for you and emails you the tickets?
4. Research and reporting
Everything from a new product/line/direction to trends in social media, we all know what a rabbit warren the internet can be. What do you need to know?
5. Community management
This is my favourite newest outsourceable (I even thought up a new word for it!).
'Communities' are everywhere, especially now, and especially in the world of business. If you've an idea for a new 'how to' group, paid or free, but don't have time to manage it, why not think about outsourcing part of it to a VA?
What tasks do you outsource, and how's that working out for you?